If you are a reasonably outgoing person, happy to mix with other reasonably outgoing people, and willing to compromise on group activities which may not be quite your cup of tea but are the cup of tea for the majority of the group, if you are willing to challenge your riding skills without challenging your pride, willing to accept the need to learn some new riding skills on uneven road surfaces, poorly constructed roads, damaged roads, on dust, gravel, sand, rocks, mud, water, tarmac without getting stressed and upset, if you are willing to ride in the sun, rain, mist, hot, cold, mild, or humid weather and are willing to ride in the light, dark, pitch black, dawn or dusk, if you don't mind heights and riding cliff-edge roads, if you are willing to ride a motorcycle that you are not necessarily familiar with, a motorcycle with different performance characteristics to your normal ride, a motorcycle with a potentially firmer or softer seat with potentially firmer or softer suspension, if you are open minded enough to try local foods and drinks without the need to starve yourself, if you are happy to sleep in accommodation of varying standards which might not be your usual pick, if you can accept a harder or softer mattress for a night, if you are happy getting up earlier than normal, later than normal, leave earlier than normal or later than normal, if you're happy to ride long days to fulfil certain parts of an itinerary, or just ride a couple of hours each day, if you have a respect for local cultures, religions and heritage sites, and if you are a generally happy soul with a desire for life and safe adventure, then you are the kind of person for this tour!
If you are a miserable sort, where it's your way or no way at all, and you can't deal with the highlights of our adventures noted above, then please don't join us!
Rest assured though, we will do everything in our power to make sure your trip is a safe and enjoyable one and we'll give you all the tuition and encouragement you need along the way.
So in summary, we are not responsible for the heat, cold, dust, unusual food, water supply, hot water supply, damaged roads, poor roads, pot holes, your fellow riders, soft pillows, hard pillows, or crazy driving.
We are responsible for providing you with the most fantabulous, exciting, eye opening, awe inspiring, senses attacking, emotional immersion into the unique culture that is Colombia! And the Royal Enfield legend of course.